The role of the tutor in the insertion of new teachers




Tutoring, teacher tutor, tutor profile


Since its origins, the Tutoring for new teachers has been plagued by irregularities, which have not responded to the objectives with which it was created and that has put this program in question, about the benefits it offers to address the areas of opportunity. of novice teachers. The present study is an analysis aimed at analyzing the criteria and perceptions of tutors and tutors from a personal perspective, and that the only thing that is intended is to find elements that allow improving the Tutoring processes, from the tutoring function and the role played by the teacher. more experienced that accompanies in his incursion into teaching practice. It is based on the analysis of the evolution that Tutoring has had and how it has contributed to peer work, strengthening teaching skills, in the understanding that working with professionals, who make decisions, who have passed through a higher level institution and who has been trained to be a teacher, appeals to a bit of intellectual humility to allow himself to be supported and strengthen the areas of opportunity of the apprentices in the function. From the methodological point of view, it is based on the qualitative approach and inspired by hermeneutics, the technique used is narrative, as a strategy to rescue information from the perceptions of the main actors in the Tutoring process, references that constitute an important input for analyze and interpret and propose to the corresponding authorities, the strategies that affect the improvement of the tutoring practice.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Islas, F. ., & Cáceres Mesa, M. L. . (2022). The role of the tutor in the insertion of new teachers. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(2), 45-56.