Some reflections on teacher training and the exercise of their practice




Teacher training, teaching practice, teaching profession, motivation for teaching


This article is derived from an investigation focused on the practice of teachers of a Technical High School located in the capital of the state of Hidalgo analyzed from the perspective of graduate students. The introduction mentions aspects of the context in which the research was carried out, as well as some statistical data on the educational reality in Mexico. The development is made up of four sections, the first focused on teacher training in which a study of the training concept and the different training models is carried out, the second section is focused on the motivation to dedicate oneself to teaching, in this are presented various investigations that explain what leads people to dedicate themselves to teaching, the third section is linked to teaching practice and in it an analysis of the aspects that this practice includes is carried out. In the last section entitled "Student Perspective" emphasis is placed on the importance of recovering the opinion of the students as the main witnesses of the teaching practice as they are the main subjects of the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Gómez Fernández, C. A. ., Cáceres Mesa, M. L. ., & Pineda Cortez, P. . (2022). Some reflections on teacher training and the exercise of their practice. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(2), 25-29.