Climate change education




Climate change, education, environment


This essay aims to analyze the importance of education for climate change, in order to help improve the world situation and preserve the planet so that future generations have a safe and clean place to live. Consequently, a descriptive study of bibliographic review was carried out, systematized through scientific research methods: documentary analysis, hermeneutics and content analysis. Among the main findings are: the recognition of climate change as a phenomenon of the transformation of the state of the climate identifiable in the variations of the mean value of temperature and/or in the variability of the properties of the climate during long periods of time, generally decades or longer periods; the main cause of climate change is given by the irresponsible and predatory action of human beings. Among the main effects are the increase in temperatures, desertification, increase in meteorological phenomena, the extinction of species of fauna and flora. At a global level, measures have been taken to combat the causes and mitigate the effects of climate change, but the best measure is to educate the population and in particular the new generations.


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How to Cite

Guamán Gómez, V. J. ., & Espinoza Freire, E. E. . (2022). Climate change education. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(2), 17-24.