Labor discrimination by gender in Ecuador




Discrimination, gender, workplace, inequality, labor rights


Labor discrimination is a reality that is constantly experienced, despite the fact that, in Ecuador, as in different parts of Latin America, there are various reforms in the labor field, formulated with the purpose of guaranteeing the right to work and providing job stability to the worker. On the other hand, Ecuador is also concerned about effective equality between men and women and, in fact, it is a subject in constant debate since, through instruments of international law, as well as in the internal legal systems of each country, Means are established to face and combat any manifestation of discrimination based on gender. In other words, it is about promoting effective equality between men and women specifically within the work environment, in this way, both men and women will be able to enjoy the same job opportunities without any discrimination. Thus, this work proposes, as a general objective, to analyze the causes that determine labor discrimination due to gender in the Ecuadorian labor environment, which will be achieved through a qualitative methodological approach and with the use of methods such as the logical history, the analytical synthetic and inductive and deductive.


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How to Cite

Pachano Zurita, A. C. ., & Molina Torres, M. V. . (2022). Labor discrimination by gender in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(1), 187-191.