Analysis of the costs of banana production during the Covid-19 pandemic, province of El Oro, period 2020




Banana production, taxes, costs, restrictions


Analysis of the costs of banana production during the COVID-19 pandemic, El Oro province, 2020 period Chuquirima Samuel, Betancourt Víctor (fill in names) Banana production is one of the most important economic sectors in Ecuador, due to the contribution it provides in terms of taxes and jobs for thousands of families throughout the provinces where the fruit is produced; The objective of the research focuses on analyzing how the health crisis of COVID-19 has impacted on production costs, due to mobilization restrictions, closure of some supplier companies, among other factors that are directly related to banana activities. ; Its methodology is descriptive when applying the survey information collection instrument and analytical when carrying out a study of the economic figures that rest in some control entities such as the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the like; Among the main results, it stands out that if there was a negative impact on the normal development of operations, because there was production that had to be sold at a lower price to minimize the impact of not being able to take the merchandise abroad at certain times; Furthermore, it is concluded that the authorities need to take the necessary and pertinent measures to solve in the shortest time the local and national economy of all strategic sectors.


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How to Cite

Chuquirima Espinoza, S. E. ., Betancourt Gonzaga, V. A. ., & Chávez Cruz, R. B. . (2022). Analysis of the costs of banana production during the Covid-19 pandemic, province of El Oro, period 2020. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(1), 120-126.