Podcasting and English language teaching in pandemic times





Teaching, english, pandemic, podcast


The purpose of this review is to analyze and reflect on the impact of podcasts as a technological teaching tool for teachers to motivate and facilitate students' learning of English in pandemic times. For the literature review, 37 articles were examined from the Scopus, ESBCO, Scielo and Latindex databases. The terms used for the search were: English language teaching AND pandemic, podcast AND english, English language teaching AND podcast, English AND pandemic. To begin with, a brief review was made of key concepts such as what podcasts and podcasting are; as a result of this review it was found that the use of podcasts is of great support for the teacher, since it stimulates students to develop not only their communicative skills in the English language, but also promotes collaborative work and cooperation among classmates without limits of time and space.


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How to Cite

Culqui Culqui, D. ., Farfán Pimentel, J. F. ., Lizandro Crispín, R. ., & Álvarez Huillca, C. . (2022). Podcasting and English language teaching in pandemic times. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(1), 39-44. https://doi.org/10.62452/zbpy0b67