Process of teaching learning in early education from virtual environments, from an educational software




Teaching, learning, initial education, educational software


The present work was developed based on the needs detected in the children of the initial level, during the COVID-19 crisis, who were forced to stay at home, due to the closure of educational institutions, an aspect that changed their teaching methodology, being virtuality the means of learning, with the support of parents, who became responsible for the teaching process of their children, without having any knowledge of initial education.

In this time of pandemic, difficulties that the study children have presented in relation to learning are observed, obtaining low and not very relevant results, it is for this reason that educational software was created that allows interaction and captures the necessary attention to acquire new knowledge. In order to comply with the established, it was necessary to provide advice from the teachers of the Education and Systems careers to the parents who, with the designs of the playful educational software developed for pre-school children, found new ways to face the crisis educational and solutions were provided through this digital material. Finally, a survey was applied to parents, related to the use of software as a methodological strategy for learning in their children, where favorable results were obtained.


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How to Cite

Macías Merizalde, A. M., & Llumiquinga Quispe, S. del R. . (2022). Process of teaching learning in early education from virtual environments, from an educational software. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(1), 12-22.