Occupational risk management procedure for a micro-construction company





Risk management, work incidents, personal motivation, safe man, responsibilities and authorities


With the use of two methods of the scientific theoretical type and one of empirical inquiry, the present investigation had the purpose of designing and applying an easy to use procedure for the person in charge of risk management in an Ecuadorian micro-construction company with less than 10 workers. Its structure involves the specifications that must be taken into account for the training of personnel in the prevention of construction risks, the aspects in the design and execution of the project related to hazards to which the personnel will be exposed. It also includes how it should be the monitoring of actions and suggested substandard conditions and the application of a stimulation system for the promotion of the safe man in the microenterprise that increased the motivation of its employees, which translated into an increase in the pace of work with prevention and positive impact on deflation of labor incidents.


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How to Cite

De la Rosa Martín, T. ., & Ramírez Seguí, A. (2021). Occupational risk management procedure for a micro-construction company. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(3), 55-67. https://doi.org/10.62452/5f3jag73