The socio-affective climate in the development of emotional competences




Socio-affective climate, emotional competencies, psychosocial well-being


This article proposes an analysis of the socio-affective climate in the development of emotional competencies in the current context. Scientific studies show that socio-emotional competencies in teachers are related to the educational success of students. The progressive expectation presented by today's society has generated a series of changes and challenges that have not necessarily been accompanied by a parallel development of skills, competencies and instances aimed at promoting social coexistence among others, it has not been possible to find significant solutions, and even A deterioration of psychosocial well-being can be observed for reflection on the preponderant role of the academic environment in the development of socio-affective skills of students, therefore a space to promote vicarious learning, as well as to strengthen the motivation of students towards achievement of certain learnings. Finally, the intention is to make known a series of diversity in relation to for reflection on the preponderant role of the academic environment in the development of socio-affective skills of students.


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How to Cite

Huerto Caqui, E. ., Farfán Pimentel, J. F. ., Lizandro Crispín, R. ., & Reynosa Navarro, E. . (2021). The socio-affective climate in the development of emotional competences. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(3), 6-10.