Use of bioorganic products to increase the yield of the tomato crop (Lycopersicum sculentum Mill)




Bioorganic, fortified liquid humus, Bayfolan Forte and Fitomas E


The investigation was carried out in the property Los Ángeles belonging to the Cooperative of Credits and Services Hugo Camejo in the municipality of Camagüey on a low and fairly deep typical Grizzly Brown floor of natural fertility, having as objective the employment of the products bioorganic to increase the yield in the cultivation of the tomato variety Botijón in the productive unit. The used experimental design was randomized block with six treatments and four replicas, for the analysis of variance of simple classification the statistical package SPSS version was used 11. 5.1 and where there was significance the test of multiple ranges of Duncan it was applied for a level of significance of 0,05%, being the evaluated indicators the height of the plant, grosor of the shaft, perimeter of the fruit, number of fruits and agricultural yield. The best obtained results were in the treatments represented by fortified liquid humus, Bayfolan Forte and Fitomas E, los which don't differ among them but yes with relationship to the rest, what demonstrates that the use of these products bioorganic constitutes alternative agroecological that allow an agricultural sostenibility and a better care of the environment.


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How to Cite

Morales Nicolau, Y., López Labarta, P. J. ., Montejo Viamontes, J. L. ., Chaveli Chávez, P. ., & Triana González, D. . (2021). Use of bioorganic products to increase the yield of the tomato crop (Lycopersicum sculentum Mill). Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(Suplemento 1), 218-224.