Alternative agricultural production in banana companies in El Oro province, Ecuador
Experimentation, treatment, fertilizer, alternative agricultureAbstract
Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits in the world, considered one of the main agricultural products in Ecuador's portfolio of exportable products. Sustainable development policies seek to harmonize the economic process with the conservation of nature, and in this sense, ecological agriculture is committed to this. The research gives continuity to a group of studies related to the effectiveness of banana cultivation, this time with the aim of analyzing the influence of the treatment of different types of fertilizer on the quality of the banana grown in small and medium-sized banana SMEs in Ecuador. The experimentation was carried out in 2 farms in the El Oro province: La Rosita and La Envidia Chocano, during December/2018-June/2019. A descriptive and inferential statistical study was carried out for bunch weight at harvest time, in addition to an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Better results were found in the La Envidia Chocano farm and in general there are statistically significant differences in the weight of the bunches according to the chemical and organic fertilizer with respect to the control, highlighting the best results in alternative agricultural production using organic fertilizer.
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