Inclusive educational policies for learning and student participation




Inclusive educational policies, learning, participation, diversity


This work deals with a topic of great social relevance: inclusive educational policies for student learning and participation, education is promoted as a universal right and constitutes the key to sustainable human development, due to the responsibility of the State and the will government policy to provide resources for access to all citizens, regardless of their status as part of cultural diversity. It is emphasized that the school it includes does not impose enrollment requirements, does not discriminate and prepares its faculty to be “a school open to diversity”. There is a change in concepts, one moves from integration to inclusion as an educational approach focused on the context, the school, the family, the community and society in general. The purpose is to meet the educational demands of all students. For this reason, the objective is to reflect on inclusive educational policies for the learning and participation of students in their diversity.


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How to Cite

Bernal Cerza, R. ., & Rodríguez Fleitas, X. . (2021). Inclusive educational policies for learning and student participation. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(2), 252-259.