Experiences of the process of linking with society in virtual environments during the health emergency





Linking with the Society, Experiences, substantive function, exceptional period, virtual environments


The purpose of this work was to show the experiences related to the process of Linking with Society in the health emergency stage caused by COVID-19. The main concepts and national and institutional regulations that govern this substantive function were raised, and the strategy adopted by the Metropolitan University of Ecuador is analyzed to give continuity to the linking process during the exceptional period. It also shows the main activities carried out in virtual environments and the results achieved aimed at a diverse audience composed of both students and professors, as well as the external beneficiaries of the linking projects in the context of the Inter-institutional Cooperation Agreements established between the UMET and other entities. Finally, the main actions to be taken to give continuity to this academic function during the exceptional period are expressed.


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How to Cite

Formoso Mieres, A. A. ., & Estévez Pichs, M. A. . (2021). Experiences of the process of linking with society in virtual environments during the health emergency. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(2), 202-210. https://doi.org/10.62452/tnztw373