Banana production in the provincial of El Oro and its impact on agrobiodiversity
Sustainable agriculture, genetic diversity, agrobusiness operation, germplasm conservationAbstract
The objective of this research was to analyze the major impacts caused by the banana industry, such as the damage to natural ecosystems due to the constant increase in cultivation areas that affect diversity, leading to the genetic erosion of many endemic species, whose habitats are destroyed. at the time of establishing monoculture banana plantations, along with the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals. To carry out this study, a bibliographic investigation was carried out based on the analysis of scientific articles, analysis of data and metadata from international and governmental organizations referring to vegetation areas affected by the banana industry. The results of these analyzes allow us to conclude that the banana industry has presented an exponentially increasing demand for its production in international markets up to the present time, justified by the quality of the fruit obtained thanks to the favorable ecogeographic conditions presented by the banana zones in Ecuador, especially the southern zone comprised by the Machala, Pasaje, El Guabo, Sta. Rosa and Arenillas cantons in the Province of El Oro.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Jonathan Bladimir Zhiminaicela Cabrera, José Nicasio Quevedo Guerrero, Rigoberto Miguel García Batista (Autor/a)

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