Relation of the value chain and ecosystem services of the ecuadorian banana and plantain




Carbon sequestration, value chain, watershed


Value chains in agriculture tend to grow with the growth of their sales. But this increase in links tends to decrease the ecosystem value of various services provided by nature, such as biodiversity, carbon sequestration or the water cycle. Within this framework, the research proposed: categorizing and relating the links in the value chains of the Ecuadorian banana and plantain and the ecosystem services (ES). A horizontal approach was used, discarding the collateral involved such as input suppliers, then the value chain was divided into: production and commercialization or logistics. To achieve a relationship between the value chain and ES, the economic value approach was taken (direct, indirect, legacy and existence). The links generate negative effects on ES, such as solid waste dumping that affects the soil and the location of farms in watersheds that supply water to a large population. This is explained in the production stages where fertilizers and pesticides are used for the management of these Musáceae, without the system including. On the other hand, the volumes of cargo mean that the vehicles do not have a lower carbon footprint than other production systems. The value that Ecuadorian bananas generate in a direct but subjective way is for their quality and taste. The banana tradition is another legacy value that should be promoted.


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How to Cite

Barrezueta Unda, S. . (2020). Relation of the value chain and ecosystem services of the ecuadorian banana and plantain. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(3), 174-182.