Mobbing and labor depressión affecting the administrative personnel of a pre-university institute in Piura, Peru




Labor mobbing, work depression, harassment


Mobbing is a set of circumstances in which some type of psychological violence is exerted on an individual (s) during the workday, and that emotionally affects the workers, wrapping them in depression pictures. The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between mobbing and job depression of the administrative staff of a pre-university institute in Piura, Peru. The study has a quantitative, non-experimental design and descriptive correlational approach. Two data collection instruments were applied to a total of 38 workers and the results were processed in Spss, the findings of which indicated the following: The statistical correlation analysis shows that there is a significant relationship (Sig. <0.05) between bullying psychological (Mobbing) and the depression of the administrative staff of the Institute of Pre University Education.


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How to Cite

Mogollón García, F. S. ., Siancas Zapata, J. R., Barrón Bravo, F. de G. ., & Melquiades Reyes, J. F. . (2020). Mobbing and labor depressión affecting the administrative personnel of a pre-university institute in Piura, Peru. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(3), 166-173.