Proposed merger of a methodology for multimedia with the unified process evidence in a real case




Multimedia, unified process, educational software


Technologies in education facilitate student learning and self-study. Among them, educational multimedia, which provide the necessary information for the student to study in an enjoyable way, fix the knowledge and correct any mistakes that may be made in the process. An Application Development Methodology, which considering the requirements, design and development of an educational project. Complementing it with the Unified Software Development Process and documenting it with the help of UML (Modeling Language), makes it possible to have a common language for the entire development team, through descriptions and diagrams that represent the analysis, design and implementation. This work aims to show a proposal for integration between the Unified Development process, with the proposed methodology, considering the models through UML. As a result, the development of educational software has been documented in an understandable way, which will allow it to be a guide for students of the Metropolitan University when carrying out this type of research.


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How to Cite

Fernández Marín, M. Ángel ., & González Tolmo, D. . (2020). Proposed merger of a methodology for multimedia with the unified process evidence in a real case. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(3), 133-140.