Psychopedagogic research and practices: systematization of learning experiences




Systematization of experiences, psychopedagogical intervention, investigative work activity, psychopedagogical practice


Work practice activities in the Bachelor of Education degree. Psychology Pedagogy will have an opportunity for students to expand academic training and consolidate the development of investigative skills. Thus, from the practice, students are called to promote the transformation of educational reality through psycho-pedagogical intervention. The systematization of the author's learning experiences, in the practice activities developed during three courses, focused attention on the self-esteem of the teenager from Cienfuegos, becoming a topic of research and proposal for work with parents, teachers and managers of basic and pre-university secondary schools. The study confirmed the role of the school psycho-pedagogue in this process and stimulated the possibilities of intervention for the transformation of the conceptions and practices of adolescents and all those involved.


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How to Cite

Tenrreiro Capote, I. D. ., Rodríguez del Rey, M. M. L. ., & Pérez Egües, M. A. (2020). Psychopedagogic research and practices: systematization of learning experiences. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(3), 126-132.