The unnecessary rule of legal law




Power, State, law’s rules, functions


The unnecessary rule of legal law is about a brief analysis legitimization of power by the state. They can't live on their own and need a politically organized society to survive and fulfill common purposes. The sovereign power of a state is born because the vast majority and of the collective hosts its freedoms and grants a group of people who are going to govern, that is there are rulers and rulers but everyone should have a clear north set by law. Unfortunately, the power of the state forgets these goals and in drawing up its rules does not reflect the experience of the people which is due, which triggers a number of problems at the same time, citizens are forced to comply these not by conviction but for avoiding the various sanctions. Therefore, you face a structural problem, so this research is qualitative, historical, documentary, because the very origin of the sovereign power of the state was analyzed and like this must have appropriate and common ends to come to harmony concluding that the law when it is broken, and by not developing real legal rules directed at material justice provoke a nonexistent right.


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How to Cite

Betancourt Pereira, E. J. ., & Romero Romero, C. D. . (2020). The unnecessary rule of legal law. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(3), 32-40.