The orientation of the family for its educational performance. An inclusive vision


  • Dahimara Rodríguez Sosa Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a
  • Elizabeth Díaz Vera Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a



Inadequate behavior, aggressiveness, family orientation


In Cuban families, in spite of the educational levels reached, there are difficulties that reveal an insufficient orientation of the family for its educational performance. At the Vladimir I Lenin elementary school in the municipality of Palmira, there are school children who fail to comply with their school duty because of behavioral alterations of an aggressive nature. In the same family, there are patterns of inappropriate behaviors, dysfunctional families, lack of affection and other difficulties, among which is aggression. The work presents a proposal of family orientation activities, they are dynamic and have novel contents that will help the parents of these students to help them and help their behavior improve so that they feel supported. In the research process, different methods were used, which allowed the determination of the needs and the solution of the scientific problem. This research is a novel experience, because it will achieve better parent-child communication, and will also strengthen the school-family relationship. 


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Sosa, D. ., & Díaz Vera, E. (2018). The orientation of the family for its educational performance. An inclusive vision. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(1), 21-26.