Socioeconomic and environmental profile of artisanal fishing in the Huayla river community




Artisanal fisheries, Socioeconomic, coastal conflict, environmental conflict, unsatisfied basic services


This article presents an overview of the socioeconomic and environmental profile of artisanal fishing in the Huayla River community of the Puerto Bolivar Canton Machala Parish (El Oro-Ecuador). The objective of the research is to analyze the socioeconomic profile based on indicators of social, economic and environmental dimensions. The research was descriptive of a transversal type, which was carried out in a unique moment with the presentation of surveys to the fishermen of the commune that consists of 30 fishermen. The age range that prevails in the fishing activity is between 43% (18-30 years), and the educational level 75% have primary education which is directly related to the level of income that they obtain 60% of them have an income of 394 dollars. The Chi-square test was applied to determine significance (p<0.05) in the indicators economic income/education level and age of the fisherman/high production month. It is concluded that there is a relationship between environmental, economic and social indicators. A relevant data could be evidenced in the investigation in the social indicator that the people who live in a single home 36.67% have a range of (2-4 people per home), followed by 30% of group members (4-6 people) and these in turn live in the home of a relative 53.33% that is to say more than half do not have their own home which relates a low socioeconomic stratum.


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How to Cite

Banchón Torres, A. B. ., Vite Cevallos, H. ., & Carvajal Romero, H. . (2020). Socioeconomic and environmental profile of artisanal fishing in the Huayla river community. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(2), 199-205.