Art-education synergy: component of the educational strategy for the integral education of the student


  • Eudaldo Enrique Espinoza Freire Universidad Técnica de Machala. Ecuador. Autor/a



Art, education, art pedagogy, educational strategy


The objective of this article is to offer a theory that from the pedagogical conception motivates the reflection about the need and the particularities of the art-education interaction and the importance of its inclusion in the educational strategy for the integral formation of the future professionals, in whose center is the pedagogy of art. To this end, a methodological strategy based on the academic experience of the experts consulted, as well as that of the author in the practice of general and artistic education, is assumed; the bibliographic and documentary critical review and the use of theoretical and empirical methods, among them, the historical-logical and the content analysis, the observation and the dialectical hermeneutic approach. The main result consists of the socialization of updated pedagogical considerations to enrich the current conceptions about the structure and scope of the educational strategy to contribute to the recognition and value of the place that art occupies in the integral formation of professionals.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Freire, E. E. . (2018). Art-education synergy: component of the educational strategy for the integral education of the student. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(2), 15-20.