Link done and social duty work with the protective principle




Should, Done, Social, Job, Linking, Protective Principle


This article, deals with the issue of linking fact and social duty work with the protective principle, under the legal approach for being rules imposed by the State to regulate the legal ties between workers and employers product of an employment relationship, that is to say to regulate the activities carried out by the people involved in a place and at a time where the work activity is executed. The work consists of a principle called protector that is the core axis of Labor Law and its essence lies in safeguarding the decorum and dignity of the worker in his or her individual situation. Its objective breakdown has manifested itself in many cases, which indicates a contradictory perception of what this principle corresponds to when it is violated because it is not only a guarantee at the constitutional level but also an international one that is recognized for every worker. Its foundation is that of a social vision that protects its two basic aspects such as the worker and the work whose protection is the honest, stable and permanent work to guarantee the satisfaction of their needs.


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How to Cite

Agnelli Faggioli, A. ., & Alida García, B. . (2020). Link done and social duty work with the protective principle. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(1), 161-168.