Cultural diversity and problems with bullying in the field of basic education
Cultural diversity, Bullying, bullying or bullying, coexistenceAbstract
Bullying in the school environment can be considered as violent behavior essentially harmful to children of Basic Education in several ways, fundamentally for the student's academic performance, his mood, self-esteem and creates a hostile environment in the school . One of its main causes is associated with the cultural diversity existing in the school context due to multiple manifestations, such as migration and social exclusion due to ethnicity, race, beliefs, customs, sexual preferences, physical characteristics, among others. This text intends to analyze bullying in the school environment, by describing and explaining its most common manifestations of the school context, to help eliminate, and at least, decrease in Ecuador, such an ominous practice. To develop it, the qualitative methodology is applied, and various bibliographies and documents are consulted, descriptive analytical methods are used, as well as synthetic analytics. Finally, a broad description and reflection is offered, which could contribute to promoting a healthy coexistence in educational institutions.
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