Study of the follow up to the graduate in the Education Science career of the Metropolitan University


  • Mireya Baute Rosales Convenio Universidad de Cienfuegos-Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador. Autor/a
  • Virginia Bárbara Pérez Payrol Convenio Universidad de Cienfuegos-Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador. Autor/a
  • José Luis Gil Álvarez Convenio Universidad de Cienfuegos-Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador. Autor/a



Graduate, graduate follow-up


Global changes worldwide and conditions at the national level demand a relevant Higher Education, in this the social, scientific pedagogical - and psychological dimension are key. The adaptation to labor markets in constant change and redefinition, constitutes a challenge for the university institutions and in a particular way for the career so it is necessary a curricular proposal and a professional profile that responds to the demands of the teacher what society requires In relation, this research work aims to conduct a follow-up study to graduate in the career of Education Sciences through the application of techniques and tools to promote the continuous improvement of professional training. Expresses in its theoretical foundations the criteria, requirements, methodologies and stages; the results of the graduate survey and the improvement plan. The research used theoretical and empirical methods, meaning analytical-synthetic, historical-logical, inductive-deductive, document analysis, survey and interview.


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How to Cite

Baute Rosales, M., Pérez Payrol, V. B. ., & Gil Álvarez, J. L. . (2018). Study of the follow up to the graduate in the Education Science career of the Metropolitan University. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(1), 91-101.