Sufficient salary as a fundamental human right in Venezuela




Sufficiency, salary, fundamental human right, basic basket


The purpose of this investigation was to carry out an analysis on the adequacy of the salary in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Organic Law of Labor, Workers and Workers. In addition to the legal instruments indicated, the legal basis was: Convention No. 26 on the Methods for the Establishment of Minimum Wages of the International Labor Organization, Recommendation No. 135 on the Establishment of Minimum Wages of the International Labor Organization, among others. The study was legal, documentary, analytical and descriptive. It is concluded that the right to a sufficient salary is regulated both in the National Constitution and in various international legal instruments in the field of human rights, which constitutes it as a fundamental human right. On the other hand, it was concluded that the basic basket constitutes an element of unpredictable observance when raising the minimum wage. Likewise, it is concluded that for the purposes of setting the minimum wage, workers 'and employers' organizations are not called, in breach of the provisions of Convention No. 26 of the International Labor Organization.


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How to Cite

Durán Chávez, . C. E. . (2019). Sufficient salary as a fundamental human right in Venezuela. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(3), 149-158.