Defined contexts for environmental influence and sustainable local development in the province of El Oro




Environmental, sustainable local development, defined contexts, environmental culture, environmental transformation


Environmental studies and sustainable local development are currently a priority by state and private entities, where universities have a weight in this dedication. The objective of the work is to identify the environmental and sustainable local development contexts in the province of El Oro to transform their worldview and action. A qualitative methodology has been used in this study, where the theoretical methods used were the historical logical and synthetic analytical and from the empirical level the observation, survey and interview. The context where the research was conducted was in the Province of El Oro. The fundamental results are that public and private schools, shrimp farms, banana plantations, the Metropolitan University and the Machala canton were identified, where the common characteristic in them is what they can transform the environment in this region, both culturally and in transformation.


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How to Cite

López Fernández, R. ., Palmero Urquiza, D. E., & Medina Peña, R. . (2019). Defined contexts for environmental influence and sustainable local development in the province of El Oro. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(3), 56-60.