A moral sense in the face of ecological challenges: Environmental Education





Environmental education, international environmental law, environmental values education, sustainable development


The constant growth and environmental damage is already considered in the 21st century, as a problem of moral character of our societies, not always seen with this qualification, but nevertheless, public recognition of the impacts of ecosystems and their imminent danger to the present and future generations if it is interpreted and arranged in many national and international documents, leaving the way for its solution being distant, in assessing the effectiveness between speeches and results palpable actions in practice. On the basis of the above, we present some reflections on the weight to be played by environmental education, motivated by its transversality and urgency of improvement. Exegetic, logical history, synthetic analytical and empirical level document analysis are used as scientific methods.


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How to Cite

Medina Peña, R. ., López Fernández, R. ., & Goyas Céspedes, L. . (2019). A moral sense in the face of ecological challenges: Environmental Education. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(3), 6-15. https://doi.org/10.62452/70ccs227