Educational practices in physical education, reflections and experiences in the field of the basic education curriculum in Mexico




Educational practices, teaching practice, Physical Education


The following article breaks down different factors that condition a teacher to perform their educational practice and thereby allow him to remain a key element in the development of society needs various skills and knowledge. In this teacher training you discover the importance of the experiences and the socialization of the concepts and how they are of great influence within the hidden curriculum and how you should break the educational traditions that limit you, allowing you to build the implicit theory cited by Rodrigo, Rodríguez and Marrero. It will also address the importance of the different knowledge that is acquired during teacher training, the various tasks that a physical education teacher must perform within their educational practice and the factors to be taken into account in their teaching practice in the basic school. make the most of the limited time that is given to perform the educational work


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How to Cite

Hideroa García, R. ., & Cáceres Mesa, M. L. . (2019). Educational practices in physical education, reflections and experiences in the field of the basic education curriculum in Mexico. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(2), 191-199.