How to communicate value to the customer as a competitive advantage


  • Ana Vanessa Maldonado Córdova Universidad Metropolitana. Ecuador. Autor/a
  • Karen Nicole Gómez Vásquez Universidad Metropolitana. Ecuador. Autor/a



Value to the client, communications to the client, marketing communications


Currently the highly competitive environment demands that companies can communicate to their clients or potential clients, the objective of this article is to collect and review information on the importance of establishing strategies oriented towards the client, and that managers can make better strategic marketing decisions, because companies are realizing that they are less competitive if they do not manage relationships with customers.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Córdova, A. V. ., & Gómez Vásquez, K. N. . (2018). How to communicate value to the customer as a competitive advantage. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(1), 61-66.