The formation of the teacher of initial education, to stimulate the socio emotional development of children


  • Adalia Lisett Rojas Valladares Convenio Universidad Metropolitana de Ecuador- Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuba. Autor/a
  • María Antonia Estévez Pichs Convenio Universidad Metropolitana de Ecuador- Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuba. Autor/a
  • Azucena Monserrate Macías Merizalde Universidad Metropolitana. Ecuador. Autor/a



Socio-affective development, initial training, initial education


In this article, emphasis is placed on the importance of socio-emotional stimulation in children under five years of age, as an incentive that allows them to organize their behavior and to develop the ability to learn from their strengths and needs, in an environment that facilitates affective experiences and relationships with their peers. An analysis is made of the role that teachers must play in stimulating the socio emotional area in the educational process with children, for which it is necessary to contribute to their preparation from the initial training, through the methodological design of the subjects that make up the curriculum. And its link with preprofessional practice, which allows the formation of the main competences that must have as a teacher to face the challenges of early education.


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How to Cite

Rojas Valladares, A. L. ., Estévez Pichs, M. A. ., & Macías Merizalde, A. M. . (2019). The formation of the teacher of initial education, to stimulate the socio emotional development of children. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(1), 51-57.