The impact of Theme-Based Instruction: Trending Topics on Speaking Skills, in EFL ninth-grade learners from B.E.S Presidente Velasco




Educational innovation, speaking skill, EFL


Recent studies suggest that integrating trending topics into language learning positively influences students' speaking abilities. This approach enables students to engage with language in a relevant and meaningful way, aligning with their evolving interests. This study aims to investigate the impact of incorporating Theme-Based Instruction (TBI)with Trending Topics into English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction, especially on the speaking skills of ninth-grade learners. The study involves 46 participants from the ninth grade at Presidente Velasco High School in La Troncal. To achieve this, a mixed-methods approach was adopted, including pre-and post-tests, surveys, interviews, and classroom observations. The findings showed significant improvement in the experimental group in vocabulary usage, pronunciation, and interaction skills compared to the control group. These results open the door to the adoption of TBI, with a focus on trending topics like famous individuals, social media, and technology, as a promising and widely applicable method for language learners in the present and future. Therefore, by exploring the effects of TBI on language proficiency, this research contributes to a more effective and enjoyable language learning experience.


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Como Citar

Rojas-Buñay, E. V. ., & Guaman-Luna, M. M. . (2024). The impact of Theme-Based Instruction: Trending Topics on Speaking Skills, in EFL ninth-grade learners from B.E.S Presidente Velasco. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(1), 145-154.