Of the theory to the curricular practice in the formation of the educational one of the initial education
Theory and curricular practice, formation of educational, initial educationAbstract
The formation of educational is a topic of a lot of present time in most of the countries, mainly, for its momentous value in connection with the improvement of the quality of the education. The educational ones during their formation should acquire knowledge that contribute the pedagogic sciences and to develop inherent abilities to the exercise of the profession that takes implicit the act of educating. One of the essential contents that all professional of the education should dominate is the relative to the theory and curricular practice. The present article approaches on the topic, starting from the derived didactic experiences of the formation of the educational one of the career Initial Education in the Metropolitan University of the Ecuador (UMET). It is meditated about relating theoretical and incorporation of conceptions and you practice integrative in the development and evaluation of matters: I design Curricular, pedagogic Models and Early Stimulation.
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