Analysis of economic profitability of the platain (Musa balbisiana AAB Simmond) in the site Rio Negro, province of El Oro




Agricultural production, Capital Investment Financial resources


For Ecuador, bananas represent an important export item and a fundamental crop in the country's food security. In this context, the present investigation proposes: to elaborate a financial analysis by means of a flow of cash and the obtaining of indicators that allow to determine if it is profitable the culture of banana in the site Rio Negro, in the province El Oro (Ecuador). For this purpose, an expost evaluation of a banana plantation of 3.66 ha was carried out. The values taken for the financial analysis were from the local market and several indicators of solidity and indebtedness were estimated, which were obtained from the general balance of the project. A 5-year cash flow was elaborated and the financial viability was projected in three scenarios (optimal, favorable, unfavorable), for this purpose NPV, IRR and IRRM were used. The indicators of solidity, working capital, current ratio and acid test were positive in spite of the fact that current assets have decreased in the last three years. The three proposed scenarios obtained positive NPV, IRR and IRRM values greater than the interest used. These results indicate that the project is viable in the Rio Negro sector.


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How to Cite

Ordoñez, J., Vite Cevallos, H. ., & Barrezueta-Unda, S. . (2019). Analysis of economic profitability of the platain (Musa balbisiana AAB Simmond) in the site Rio Negro, province of El Oro. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(2), 160-170.