Analysis of the types of divorce and the legal incidence with the children




Divorce, food, fixation, alimony, contention, contentious, violation, trial, lawsuit, litigious


Contentious divorce influences the fixing of alimony in favor of children and adolescents in Ecuadorian society, it is a problem that undermines the superior right of children and adolescents. The present research work has as a general objective, the study, the causes, the occasion, the relation of food, girls, boys, girls and adolescents, in the city of Machala, during the year 2017. The historical and the empirical through the surveys. Reaching the conclusion that in the contentious divorce trial no provisional alimony is fixed in favor of the children and adolescents because the law does not have it available; For example, it is not a civil process divorce.


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How to Cite

Vivanco Granda, E. C. ., Jiménez Fadul, D. F. ., Machado López, L. ., & Cedeño Floril, M. P. . (2019). Analysis of the types of divorce and the legal incidence with the children. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(2), 151-159.