Determination of feasibility to use portable spectometry to asseee the quality of raw materials use inbakeries ans confectioner in Machala city, Ecuador




Quality Control, feasibility, investment, portable spectrometry


In Ecuador, bakery and confectionery industries are unaware of the use of adequate means to assess the quality of the raw materials, including milk, cheese and eggs, which in many cases come after being stored for a long time, affecting the elaboration of the final production, and even to causing ill health of the population. The object of this research is to determine the feasibility in the investment in technology of Portable spectrometry NIR as an alternative to the tabletop instrumentation for bakeries in Machala city to control the quality of raw materials used on bread production. The study was developed in two sequential moments. The first moment was focused on the diagnosis of the use of technologies in the production of bakeries and confectioneries. The second moment evaluated the economic viability of using technology as an instrument to control quality in bakery and pastry business. Results showed bakers are currently losing economically approximately 106.80 dollars annually due to the practice of empirical methods in the control of quality of cheese, milk and eggs. Itt was demonstrated the feasibility to invest in technology to face the economic losses experienced.


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How to Cite

Garzón Montealegre, V. J. ., Ramírez-Morales, I. ., Coronel-Reyes, J. ., & Serrano Rugel, B. H. . (2019). Determination of feasibility to use portable spectometry to asseee the quality of raw materials use inbakeries ans confectioner in Machala city, Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(2), 141-150.