Reflections on the work environment: case study in a professional training company




work environment


The site of the case study was the professional training academy, which is responsible for the provision of online training services. It employs specialists in various fields, such as English, Robotics, and Computer Science, accredited by the Ministry of Labor and the Andes Technological Institute. Despite the virtual nature of the academy’s services, it employs workers who perform specific functions in person, justifying the need to investigate the work environment in which these professionals operate. The general objective was to analyze the work environment of a professional training academy using a data collection instrument to provide elements for designing an improvement proposal. Researchers administered Workplace Climate Scale (SL-SPC) questionnaire, which revealed that the main problem included a lack of job involvement or self-realization and poor communication among employees. It led to proposed actions to promote a culture of open communication that recognizes and rewards employee achievements, encourages assertive communication, and promote work-life balance.


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Author Biography

  • lida María Rivero-Rodríguez, Universidad Técnica de Machala. Ecuador.






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How to Cite

Esquivel-Rivero, Y. ., Rivero-Rodríguez, lida M. ., & Esquivel-Rivero, Y. . (2024). Reflections on the work environment: case study in a professional training company. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(3), 251-257.