The pre-understanding and understanding of the right: a necessary approach




Right, pre-understanding, understanding


This work deals with the method that gives the concrete universal the function of the practical transformation of reality against the irrationalist philosophies that give the abstract or moments of pre-understanding, whether empirical, intuitive and immediate representation of the right, the end character of the theory. This method is motivated by the need not to see morals and principles only as spiritual entities that by themselves constitute the panacea of all the problems of law. The transcendent is that there is an attempt to go beyond that moment, carefully observe the defense of the ability of the defended method to distinguish the role of the abstract and the concrete in the understanding of law and conclude that the moral order and its principles are social forms configured ideals, can not be otherwise, as a result of the daily activity of in their specific social relationships.


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How to Cite

Medina Peña, R. ., Gallo Rodríguez, G., & Lozano Espinoza, M. Ángel . (2019). The pre-understanding and understanding of the right: a necessary approach. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(2), 6-12.