El aula invertida como recurso para el trabajo en educación secundaria





Inverted classroom, New Mexican School, transformation of reality, student feelings


The reality of education in our country has gone through countless changes. The COVID-19 pandemic put the work methodology in a different panorama. Here are some elements that constituted the cornerstone of its action, but not only this, it was a resource that we can continue to use, although it was not new, since in the US this methodology was implemented, the inverted classroom. This resource was used in a secondary school in the state of Hidalgo with favorable results for its implementation. These elements were of great importance to corroborate its use in future practices, making clear the scope of this methodology in daily practice in secondary education. The New Mexican School (NEM) is aimed every day at transforming the reality of the student and the community, that is, solving their most pressing needs and the inverted classroom helps to a great extent to solve these needs that the student presents in order to consolidate learning in their day to day. Not only to recognize the scope of the tangible results of the methodology indicated, but also the feelings of the students regarding the use of this tool to achieve their purposes. It was of great importance to recognize the feelings of the students and thus continue with the implementation of this methodology, since, as the NEM points out, the teacher also has autonomy and his or her actions are fundamental in the education of the students.


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Author Biography

  • Griselda González-Ordóñez, Colegio Pablo Latapí Sarre. México.




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How to Cite

Hernández-Torres, H. O. ., & González-Ordóñez, G. . (2024). El aula invertida como recurso para el trabajo en educación secundaria. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(3), 185-193. https://doi.org/10.62452/naj4nj44