Los beneficios penitenciarios Vs el Principio de Celeridad. Una visión desde la realidad ecuatoriana





Penitentiary benefits, social rehabilitation regulations, chrysomelid, Ecuadorian penitentiary law


In Ecuador, once, as a result of a due criminal process, a person is found responsible for a criminal act, the penalty of deprivation of liberty is generally imposed, which involves the Ecuadorian penitentiary system. In this, respect for procedural speed, as a constitutional and legally conceived principle, plays a transcendental role. This is because the effectiveness of these processes and the fulfillment of the purposes of the sentence depend on it. Therefore, motivating this research, this topic is proposed as a general objective: Identify the impact caused by the legal process to grant prison benefits, which includes the certification of the commission with respect to the evaluation of people deprived of liberty to obtain benefits such as pardons, repatriations and semi-open and open regimes, granted by the Comprehensive Care Service for Adult Persons Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders (SNAI). To this end, a qualitative methodological approach is applied, with scientific methods such as historical-logical, exegetical and analytical-synthetic, managing to expose the procedural reality of the Ecuadorian penitentiary system regarding penitentiary benefits and their processing.


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How to Cite

Osorio-González, S. M. ., López-Soria, Y. ., & García-Segarra, H. G. . (2024). Los beneficios penitenciarios Vs el Principio de Celeridad. Una visión desde la realidad ecuatoriana. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(3), 149-159. https://doi.org/10.62452/73fnxy52