Implementation of gamification in the learning of Natural Sciences concepts and its influence on student motivation




Strategy, acuiferas, learning, natural sciences, motivation


The general objective of the research was to evaluate the impact of gamification on the learning of Natural Sciences concepts and the motivation of ninth-grade students, comparing with a traditional teaching approach. Theoretical methods such as analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive methods were used to analyze and synthesize information. Empirical methods include student surveys, pedagogical tests and specialist criteria. The research is declared quasi-experimental and descriptive, allowing groups to be compared and educational phenomena to be described. The gamified strategy was designed to address the contents of curricular block 4. The Earth and the Universe in ninth grade, guaranteeing the development of cognitive and scientific skills typical of the educational level. The results revealed that the group where gamification was applied showed better performance in all aspects evaluated. Students demonstrated a stronger understanding of Natural Sciences Curricular Block 4 concepts, an increase in class participation and collaboration, and greater interest in gamified learning activities. In addition, an increase in the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations was observed. These findings suggest that gamification can significantly improve the teaching-learning process in Natural Sciences, fostering a more stimulating and effective educational environment. It is recommended that educators consider integrating gamified strategies into their pedagogical practices to promote more meaningful and motivating learning in this area of ​​knowledge.


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How to Cite

Zambrano-Vera, M. D. R. ., Alcívar-Williams, M. P. ., & Vergel-Parejo, E. E. . (2024). Implementation of gamification in the learning of Natural Sciences concepts and its influence on student motivation. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(3), 127-139.