Nutrigenetics: an opportunity for the prevention and treatment of diseases




Nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, precision feeding


Nutrigenetics is emerging as a crucial field of study in the search for personalized strategies for the prevention and treatment of diseases. With the objective of establishing the relationship between nutrient consumption and the probability of developing diseases, this work was developed with the intention of exposing the current state of scientific literature in this regard. A review study was developed in Spanish, English and Portuguese in Scielo, PubMed, Google Scholar and Redalyc. The following search terms were used: nutrigenetics, precision nutrition and nutrigenomics. 68 articles were found, of which 31 were studied because they adjusted more precisely to the object of study. Nutrigenetics is based on the understanding of how individual genes interact with the nutrients we consume, marking a close relationship between diet and genetic expression. This field of study addresses how genetic variations between individuals influence the way their bodies process and use nutrients, which can have a significant impact on health and the development of diseases, the most studied being diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.


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How to Cite

López-Gamboa, Y. . (2024). Nutrigenetics: an opportunity for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(3), 87-94.