Restorative justice and juvenile delinquency: an interdisciplinary approach




Juvenile delinquency, judicialization, restorative justice, minimal intervention


Crime in general is a phenomenon of wide significance and concern within the Ecuadorian territory. Proof of this is that the prison population is mostly made up of young people, which generates even more unrest. In the development of this academic work, recent research has been reviewed, as well as statistical data to evaluate the effectiveness of the scope of restorative justice in prevention and thus the reduction of recidivism rates, thus promoting the rehabilitation of young offenders. The methodology used responds to a qualitative approach, framed in legal dogmatics with a descriptive scope and a correlational design, supported by the exegetical method and bibliographic and documentary analysis. As a result, the proposal to apply restorative justice that provides viable alternatives to criminal trial is presented, aligned with the principle of minimal intervention, as one of the characteristics of Ecuadorian justice related to international standards. By specifying issues inherent to the deprivation of liberty, this work is oriented towards the de-judicialization and deinstitutionalization of sanctions, proposing a balance between the purposes, perspectives, scope and strengths through which juvenile restorative justice can face the other areas of criminal justice.


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How to Cite

Cabrera-Buestán, J. C. ., Aguilar-Valarezo, M. A. ., & Zambrano-Coronel, P. F. (2024). Restorative justice and juvenile delinquency: an interdisciplinary approach. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(S2), 264-273.