Managerial cosmovision from the transcomplexity. A new construction for the current organizations




Transcomplexity, management, worldview, organizations


The article analyzes complexity, complex thinking and transcomplexity, without disciplinary barriers, universal schemas, differences between the natural and the human. Also, without neglecting any dimension that values dialogue, the different and the constant change as the only way to transform the world, in this case that of management and organizations. Transcomplexity endows management with immense possibilities, with open, non-linear relationships, where knowledge is produced to improve, and where the logical, the irrational, the uncertain, the certain, the simple, the complex and the truly transcendent are found.


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How to Cite

Luna Álvarez, D. R. . (2019). Managerial cosmovision from the transcomplexity. A new construction for the current organizations. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(1), 180-186.