Development of cognitive and social skills in young people with Down Syndrome for entering the workforce
Adolescents with Down syndrome, transition to adulthood, skills, social and labor inclusionAbstract
The present doctoral research work will consist of a conceptual analysis of what are the socio-labor skills and how they are learned in a standardized context in the educational environment. From the perspective of the paradigm of inclusivity, it is necessary to carry out a conceptual review from different fields such as education from the regulatory framework, the labor framework, and, finally, from the perspective of the transition to adult life. The objective of this research work is to determine which are the socio-labor skills that adolescents with Down Syndrome need for a correct process even in the labor field in Ecuador. This will allow the initiation of a planned path in the process of transition to adult life to achieve independence within the family nucleus and, of course, to encourage public programs that generate spaces for training and transition to adult life. To achieve this, it is necessary to carry out a bibliographic review of public policies of labor inclusiveness, inclusive education proposals for the labor environment, and the principles that support the paradigm of inclusiveness. To achieve the above, it is necessary to conduct a literature review on public policies of labor inclusiveness, inclusive education proposals for the workplace, and the principles underlying the paradigm of inclusiveness. For this, the qualitative methodology will be used, to first conduct a literature review of the international panorama on the socio-labor situation and the transition to adult life, to compare it with the national situation, and with this, to design a set of socio-labor skills that allow socio-labor inclusion and, therefore, transition to adult life for adolescents with Down syndrome.
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