The emerging labor contract and the regulations of the humanitarian support law. Is there a violation of rights?




Union leaders, emerging labor contract, Humanitarian Support Law, labor rights


This study examines the role of union leaders in the face of the emerging labor contract and regulations under the Humanitarian Support Law. It explores how unions adapt to new labor conditions imposed by emergencies, as well as their strategies to protect workers' rights. The findings show that union leaders play a crucial role in defending labor rights, using collective bargaining, worker education, and monitoring compliance with labor regulations as key tools. However, challenges such as lack of resources and resistance from some employers are identified. The need to strengthen union capacity and promote greater social dialogue to address these obstacles is highlighted. Ultimately, the importance of striking a balance between labor flexibility and worker protection to ensure a fair and sustainable labor recovery is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Córdova-Díaz, M. J. ., Corral-Calderón, G. X. ., & Gómez-Rodríguez, L. . (2024). The emerging labor contract and the regulations of the humanitarian support law. Is there a violation of rights?. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(Suplemento 1), 267-275.