Impact of tax incentives on the development of the flower industry




Fiscal, taxes, taxation, export, fiscal policy


Tax incentives are government policies that take the form of exclusions, credits, preferential rates and tax deferrals, manifested through measures such as temporary tax exemptions, specific deductions and tariff reductions, its purpose is to promote activities that the government considers beneficial for economic development, technological innovation, job creation or improvement of the business environment. In this sense, the present study seeks to answer the following question: how do tax incentives affect the Latin American floriculture industry, with the objective of analyzing the impact of tax incentives on the development of the floriculture industry in Latin America Spain and Kenya, exploring the different perspectives and effects on economic growth. After an exhaustive analysis, it is concluded that tax incentives in the Latin American floriculture industry have had a positive impact by stimulating investment, fostering economic growth, generating employment and consolidating the position of the countries in the global market for floricultural products.


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How to Cite

Mafla-Robalino, M. E. ., & Zapata-Sánchez, P. E. (2024). Impact of tax incentives on the development of the flower industry. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(Suplemento 1), 149-164.