For the preparation of the state of the question, education in the simple of its purposes has always seek to achieve success




Learning education, success, skills, technology


Education in the simplest of its purposes has always sought to achieve success, but what is success? If each head is a world and each world is different in the imagination of each child. But it is still success to do things well, to find the meaning in the imagination of each child in the change of their consciousness, in the shine of their eyes, their sincere smile, and in being able to be together every class learning and teaching in the wonderful world of knowledge. In this sense, explore the influence of growth mindset and educational technology on academic performance. Growth mindset, which encompasses the belief that skills can be developed through practice and effort, has shown a positive impact on students' academic performance and resilience. On the other hand, educational technology, by personalizing instruction and addressing individual growth needs, promises to enrich the educational experience. Through a review of scientific literature and analysis of relevant studies, it is evident that the integration of these dimensions can significantly contribute to improving the quality of education, providing a more inclusive and stimulating learning environment.


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How to Cite

Ponce-Serrano, E. A. ., & Baltazar-Robles, S. . (2024). For the preparation of the state of the question, education in the simple of its purposes has always seek to achieve success. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(Suplemento 1), 93-101.