Analysis of neural networks and time series in financial assets




Artificial intelligence, supervised learning, neural networks, deep learning


An artificial neural network is a mathematical model that uses a system of internal and external layers connected through structures called neurons, which together simulate the architecture of the connections between neurons in the human brain. However, these neural networks have gone through the process of learning on a set of known data, they become algorithms capable of predicting, within a previously established range, the behavior of a set of the same type of data for which they are only known. the previous stages and not the results of the behavior. This work aims to obtain stock price predictions considering different types of models through the use of specialized computational tools. It was evident that the comparison of different deep learning architectures using the Naive method revealed that the results obtained by the latter were better than the results obtained by neural network architectures, as well as the FeedForward function turned out to be the best of the neural models analyzed.


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How to Cite

Guillín-Llanos, X. M. ., Elizondo-Saltos, A. ., Cárdenas-Zea, M. P. ., & Alcívar-Méndez, K. A. . (2024). Analysis of neural networks and time series in financial assets. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(Suplemento 1), 85-92.