Diagnosis of the behavior of socio-productive enterprises and their impact on the development of the La Maná Canton





Entrepreneurship, socio-productive, economic and social impact


This study examined the impact of socio-productive enterprises on the development of Cantón La Maná. A non-experimental methodology with a mixed approach combining descriptive and explanatory elements was used. In the descriptive phase, surveys were conducted with 281 socio-productive entrepreneurs, collecting quantitative data on aspects such as size, sector of activity, employment generated, and perceptions of challenges and opportunities. This provided a detailed view of the entrepreneurial landscape in the area. The explanatory phase included in-depth interviews with three members of the Cantonal Council of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Canton La Maná. These interviews provided qualitative information on the local government's perception and approach to socio-productive entrepreneurship, exploring issues such as support policies and the strategic vision for local economic development. It was concluded that effective partnership between entrepreneurs and government can lead to more informed and effective solutions. Lack of access to finance was identified as an obstacle to growth, limiting investment in technology and infrastructure. The importance of the role of government and financial institutions in providing access to affordable financing through loans, grants or other mechanisms to foster entrepreneurial growth was highlighted.


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How to Cite

Murillo-Burgos, L. H. ., Apolo-Reyes, K. E. ., Albarrasin-Reinoso, M. V. ., & Jácome-Alarcón, L. F. (2024). Diagnosis of the behavior of socio-productive enterprises and their impact on the development of the La Maná Canton. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(1), 295-307. https://doi.org/10.62452/aqk2q954